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Using one HackRF with one antenna for RX and TX - Version imprimable

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Using one HackRF with one antenna for RX and TX - Cupro - 05-07-2024

Is it possible to run Remote SDR with just one HackRF and one Antenna for HalfDuplex Operation?
If the answer is yes, how?

RE: Using one HackRF with one antenna for RX and TX - F1ATB - 06-07-2024

No the half-duplex is not possible. It takes to much time for the hackrf to switch from RX to TX and TX to RX.


RE: Using one HackRF with one antenna for RX and TX - Cupro - 07-07-2024

Thanks ... do you have any recommendations how to connect two HackRF to one HF antenna and which components are good to use (filter, amplifier for 200W, any other requirements)?
And additional I would need a way to switch to a second VHF antenna for 20cm/7m.

RE: Using one HackRF with one antenna for RX and TX - F1ATB - 07-07-2024

Sorry, I don't have a any recommandation for a HF TX.