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ESP32 Reset
Bonjour André,

I am finding your solar overproduction circuit interesting (thank you for sharing) and I have ordered the required parts from Ali Exp to get started.

In the mean time, I thought I’d use a spare ESP32 I have to run your SolarRouter_V2.01 software.

The code compiles with no problems, however the ESP32 with the SolarRouter software resets every 10 seconds approximately.
I can see the ESP32 resetting through the serial monitor.

I suspect this is because I don’t have a wifi network connected to the ESP32. Does that sound right to you?
Thank you for your help.
Yes, you are right.
The system reset periodically when it’s impossible to access internet.
Within one month, I expect to publish a new software version. It will not change the hardware. It will offer new features and more simplicity to program the actions.


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