Tone generators

On the transmit side, different tone generators are available to tune the transmitter or open relays.

800Hz Tone

Selecting this generator disconnects the microphone and injects a 800Hz audio signal to its maximum. This is useful for testing the maximum power in SSB and the excursion in NBFM.

2 Tones Test – 500 Hz and 1900 Hz

By selecting this generator, we disconnect the microphone and push the audio signal to its maximum with 2 signals of amplitude equal to the maximum possible. This allows the linearity of the transmitter to be tested.


A DTMF generator is used to send 2-tone codes. This allows the programming of radio relays.

1750 Hz Tone

Pressing this generator opens some relays.


The definition of transmit frequencies for which a CTCSS signal is desired, can be found in the configurationTX.js file.

Pitch CW

To adjust the / TX / RX offset in CW, you can listen to the corresponding signal by pressing Spot.

F1ATB André

Ham Radio - Home automation - Photovoltaic

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