QO-100 Satellite Live
Since version 5 of Remote-SDR, it is possible to share its reception channel. You can connect to my transceiver to the QO-100 satellite. Of course, you won’t be able to transmit. If you are more than one connected, only one person has the right to control the audio channel in reception.
Preliminary advice
Access to the WEB site
You need a recent browser like Chrome, Edge or Chromium. Don’t use Firefox.
Access is via the secure https protocol in order to be able to access the microphone and some processing functions of the browser. On your first connection, you will get a security alert message because of a self-signed security certificate and not certified by an accredited body.

Do not worry and click on advanced settings.

Frequency stabilization
To compensate for the frequency drift of the LNB of the reception dish, Remote SDR locks onto the low and high beacons of the satellite. Depending on the temperature, the compensation to be made is between -140 kHz and -180 kHz.

With a good adjustment, the signal of the beacon must be at the vertical of the index. The autocorrection box must be checked for the system to follow the drifts. If the drift is too strong, the signal can be brought manually above the index by turning the mouse wheel above the figure to be modified.

If the correction is good, a green signal is displayed, otherwise blue. If the system is unable to correct, the signal is orange. Be careful, sometimes the beacons are stopped. The middle beacon is not exploited because it is on the centre frequency of the SDR which has an I and Q channel processing bias there.
To optimize the display, select a displayed spectrum bandwidth of 500 kHz.
Only one person can drive the audio channel cursor. He is entitled to the green light on “SDR RX Pilot”. The other people connected are red.

“SDR RX On” in green indicates nominal operation of the receiver.

Fantastic Software setup!
This is cool
73 from TF
Hello Andre, this is Uwe, DL1BIR.
I’ve had your software for some time and am trying to get a working system with a Raspi 4, Nooelec SDR V5 and a Hackrf one. Unfortunately I can’t do that. First of all, it fails because I cannot access the server as a secure website via https://192……. Of course, I can use “advanced” to set everything up and also enter the key. The reception works (although the display of the waterfall reacts to signals with a long delay). Unfortunately, when the page is accessed, the HackRF immediately switches to TX according to the LED, but does not send anything out (at least not on the displayed QRG). Pressing “TX” several times shows no reaction on the HackRF (transmit signal or TX LED). The display in the browser is of course “green”. Can you please give me a little help?
There are different issues
Secure Website : as I use a free certificate for https access, you have to click on Advanced ….
RX : if the flow of data is not fluid, in general it’s a WIFI issue. Have a look on the diagram on the top right.
TX: this is a major issue. A recent update of Chrome browser and Edge browser blocks the transmission. Some partial solution are proposed here at the bottom: https://f1atb.fr/remote-sdr-v5-2/
The best solution is to redesign completely Remote SDR to include Raspberry OS upgrade, Gnu Radio Upgrade and Web browsers upgrades. It’s a huge and long work. I will do it but it’s take time.