Self Signed SSL Certificate on Intranet

Switching to https to encrypt data between a server and a client may be required to benefit from features such as accessing your PC’s microphone. Self-signing is easier to implement and is sufficient for an application on its intranet. This is the case with RemoteSDR to remotely control a transceiver. The starting base is an apache2 web server already installed on your system as described here:

Open SSL must be installed to generate the certificates. It is found base on Armbian.

Open SSL installation

apt-get install openssl

Generating a private key

Go to the / etc / apache2 folder where you will put the certificates.

cd /etc/apache2

We start by saving a password to remember it at each renewal in a text file for example: certificate_pass.txt

nano certificat_pass.txt

Once the password is saved, generate the encrypted key.

openssl genrsa -aes256 -out certificat.key 4096

Use the previously saved password.

Rename the key:

mv certificat.key certificat.key.lock

Regenerate this key but in unlocked.

openssl rsa -in certificat.key.lock -out certificat.key

Thus we have a locked and unlocked key.

Generating the signature request

This file will be used for self-signing.

openssl req -new -key certificat.key.lock -out certificat.csr

Answer the questions by putting a ‘. ‘not to bother, except for the Common Name in which you will put localhost.
We now have a certificate.csr file

Auto Signing

openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in certificat.csr -signkey certificat.key.lock -out certificat.crt

Activate ssl mode on apache.

a2enmod ssl

Relaunch apache.

service apache2 restart

To check the configuration of apache.

apache2ctl configtest

Don’t forget to enable your site:

a2ensite default-ssl.conf

Add a permanent exception in Chrome

As part of regular access to your site, it is preferable to add a permanent exception to allow Google Chrome to display the content of the site without a security message. You will have to download the certificate of the self-signed site and add it to the list of local certificates.

Right click on the padlock with the red cross in the address bar.

Save the certificate with the file name of your choice.

In Chrome you must now import the certificate. Type in the address bar:


In the advanced settings, look for security and ssl settings. Click on Manage certificates and import the previously saved certificate.

Exit Chrome completely, triple dot at the top right and click on Exit. Now you can access your intranet site without getting a security warning message.

F1ATB André

Ham Radio - Home automation - Photovoltaic

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