Remote SDR can be interfaced with digital processing software like WSJT-X to make FT8 transmissions for example. WSJT-X not only processes transmit and receive audio signals, but can control Remote-SDR frequency and transmit on/off.
VB virtual audio cable
To interface the audio signals between WSJT-X and Remote SDR, the most elegant solution is to put a virtual cable between the 2 applications on the condition that they run on the same PC.

If you do not have “VB Cable – Virtual Audio Device”, go to the site:
download and install the application
Omnirig control interface
To pass the order of transmission or reception, as well as the working frequency, we use the Omnirig interface available in WSJT-X and Remote SDR.
WSJT-X Setup
Go to File/Settings and select the Audio tab.

Set audio input and output channels i.e. VB-Audio cable.

In the Radio tab, select Omnirig 1 or 2 and the PTT by CAT method.
Remote SDR Setup

On the receiver side, select the direct auxiliary output without filtering and the VB audio cable. Adjust the level by watching the indicator in WSJT-X so as not to saturate.

On the transmit side, also select the auxiliary input via the “VB audio cable”. Press “Tune” in WSJT-X to switch to transmit and adjust the level to maximum at the edge of the spectrum in red.

Remote SDR automatically detects messages from Omnirig. A green Omnirig light at the top is displayed when messages arrive.
What inmense progress, realy love this, but how can i set the right freq in WSJTX ? as soon as i try to TX wsjtx crashes. I am running window 11 might this be a problem.
Could you consider to emaulate a kenwood or other TRX in the F1ATB software ? this would make it possible to use winlink out of the box ,winlink does not support Omnirig as far as I know
But let me express I admire all the work and effort you have put in to this and make it aviable the sound interface part is realy unique compared to others You do not have to regonfigure everything to go from Phone to digital modes I really like that.
About WSJTX, it’s difficult to analyse for me. For the moment, I don’t have this issue. I am still in Windows 10.
About , Winlink, I have to admit, I don’t know what is this product. I have to Google it.
Hello André
Tnx for your reply may we can make some sched on QO100 and have a little chat about Winlink and wsjtx
73 Frans PE0F