Remote SDR V1

“Remote SDR” is a web application allowing to remotely control an amateur radio transceiver between 1 MHz and 6 GHZ. Its first application was the duplex control of a transceiver dedicated to the QO-100 / Es’Hail 2 geostationary satellite.

The set is made up of:

  • a reception channel: SDR (Software Design Radio) + an Orange PI nanoprocessor
  • a transmitter channel: SDR + an Orange PI nanoprocessor
  • a PC or tablet controlling the SDRs with “Remote SDR” running on a web browser like Chrome or Edge.
Remote SDR synoptic

This configuration makes it possible to locate the HF part near the antennas, which is essential for links above GHz. In the transmission chain, amplifiers must be added to bring the HF signal to the desired level. The SDR of the reception chain can be either an Hack RF One or an RTL-SDR depending on the frequency band you want to cover.

The “Orange Pi” are processors similar to the Raspberry Pi running under the Armbian Operating System. They do part of the signal processing.

The reception chain processed in the Orange Pi is described in the article Remote SSB receiver.

The transmission chain processed in the second Orange Pi is described in the article Remote SSB transmitter.

Remote SDR provides the part of the signal processing necessary for data visualization and audio management.

Video – Intro

The code

You can choose between installing the source code yourself on an Orange Pi One Plus or burning an image. Both are available on Github / F1ATB. For installation procedures the following article details them.

Posts on Remote-SDR v1

F1ATB André

Ham Radio - Home automation - Photovoltaic

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9 Responses

  1. PIQUEMAL says:

    Hi André,
    congratulations for this very nice work.
    I have build all the hardware for the remote SSB tranceiver; but I need a step by step explanations to setup the two Orange Pi One Plus and to install Remote SDR software on my PC.
    Have you planned to publish that?
    Thanks in advance
    André F1FHK

  2. kurt says:

    Helle Andre,
    Is there a possibility to transmit CW via the HackRF?

    • F1ATB André says:

      Yes it is possible to generate a CW signal with Hack RF. It’s easy to do. I have not yet implemented the function in Remote SDR. It’s on my list of improvements.



  3. Jacinto Rebelo says:

    Hello André,

    congratulations on this very nice project. I have built until now, only the RX part and I’m using raspberry pi4 (2Gb) SBC with RTL-SDR and it seems working very well, I liked the sound, seems stable even accessing by internet, also like the way it works, I mean I only need a browser to work, no program to install. I just followed your setup instructions for the Orange Pi. Waiting now for an HackRF to complete the TX part. I hope you continue with the project …

