Remote SDR – Examples of realization
Many OM around the world have embarked on the realization of Remote SDR. Below are some examples.
Listening EME by BG0DXC / BG0AUB
Listening on 23cm. The low bandwidth required to transport signals over the network is appreciated with this remote station. Remote SDR is interfaced with WSJT-X which drives Doppler drift.

Realization of HA4BM from Hungary
Nice construction with an Orange Pi Zero 2 and an Adalm Pluto

Béla, HA4BM himself designed a box made with a 3D printer. The sources to achieve it are available here:

Another version with Raspberry Pi 4, a POE Hat and the Adalm-Pluto. The 3D box file is available here:
Realization of HB9DUG

Michel, HB9DUG has successfully ported a Raspberry 4 with 4GB of memory, Remote SDR. It is driving an Adalm-Pluto.
Since a version 2.4 exists and runs on a Raspberry Pi 4B with only 2GB of Ram memory. The procedure for installing an image is here:
The average CPU load rate is 33%, which is good.

Htop gives a load of 1.29 splitted on 4 cores which correspond roughly to 33%.
M0DQW – Techminds – Adalm-Pluto
Realization of F1ATB
The first realization of Remote SDR which allowed me to establish my first QSOs via the QO-100 satellite in May 2020.

It is an old PC box which serves as a 5V and 12v box and power supply for the whole. The processing processor is now, september 2021, Raspberry 4B – 2GB.
Realization of F1APY/F6KAT
Superb QO-100 transceiver with an RTL-SDR key, a HackRF One and 2 Orange Pi One Plus.

PA Nokia UMTS and Remote SDR
Test conducted by EA3IGB Pau.
Give me pictures of your setups to publish them here.
Detailled Realization from DL8RDS

Details on DL8RDS web page.
Realization of G1BVI

Post on Remote SDR
- Remote SDR V5 -Raspberry 4B or Orange Pi Image Installation
- Remote SDR v5 – Manual Installation
- Remote SDR v5
- QO-100 Satellite Live
- Troubleshooting
- QO-100 Transceiver
- WSJT-X – FT8
- Omnirig – Remote SDR
- Communication Ports
- Tone generators
- Setting of GPIO outputs
- Band Scanning
- Gains and Dynamics
- Frequencies Management
- Launch of Remote SDR
- CPU Cooling
- Web GUI
- Microphone and signal processing authorization
- Configurations
- Characteristics
- Introduction to Remote SDR
- Remote SDR – Audio Channels
- CW with Remote SDR
- Rotary Knob and Morse Manipulator for Remote SDR
- VHF and UHF NBFM Transceiver
- Remote SDR v4
- Gpredict — Remote SDR
- Remote SDR V4 – Raspberry Pi 4B or Orange Pi Zero 2 image installation
- Remote SDR v4 – Manual Installation
- SA818 – RTL-SDR
- Remote SDR – Examples of realization
- Transmit over QO-100 satellite with a Smartphone
- Remote SDR V2 – Software Architecture
- Remote SDR V1- Purchase
- Remote SDR V1 – Man Machine Interface
- Remote SDR V1 – Signal Processing
- Web Client to GNU Radio
- GNU Radio to Web client
- Remote SSB Transmitter
- Remote SSB Receiver
- GPIO on Orange PI One Plus H6
- TCXO installation on HackRF
- Q0-100 Transceiver with 2 SDR – Remote SDR V1
Hi DR OM André,
Congrats for this one excellent work for ham radio community.
I would like ask you if is possible ADD TO SUPPORT to image for Airspy receivers like Airspy Discovery, R2 and MINI.
Also Anthony F4GOH described how simply configure Remote SDR V2 on his website.
Amazing support!!!
TNX VY73! Ladislav OK1UNL
Thank you for your positives remarks. In the coming months, I will continue with other SDRs as far as I can find the drivers to adapt to Remote SDR.