Remote SDR v2 – Raspberry 4B image installation

Raspberry 4

Obsolete. Go here

Remote SDR version 2.5 available on Github

Here is the detailed procedure to install Remote SDR version 2 on a Raspberry Pi 4B with at least 2 GB of memory. The latest images written for an SD card of 16 GB or more are available on Github.

Remote SDR V2

Remote SDR is an application allowing remote control from a web browser of a radio transceiver based on 1 or 2 SDR (Software Design Radio).

The main features are:

  • Compatible with Adalm-Pluto SDR or HackRF One and RTL-SDR
  • Reception in NBFM, WBFM, AM and SSB
  • Transmission in NBFM or SSB with Pluto or HackRF One
  • Full-Duplex transmission and reception
  • Reception spectrum on 2048 FFT points
  • System and SDR observation tools

Installing the image for the Raspberry PI

  • Download the image corresponding to your card on Github
  • Unzip the image
  • Burn the image on a minimum 16GB micro SD card with PC software such as Win32diskmanager
  • Connect a Pluto or HackRF One SDR and RTL-SDR
  • Connect the Raspberry to the local Ethernet network
  • Power on the Raspberry Pi
  • Go to your box to find the IP address that has been assigned to the Raspberry Pi

Launch of Remote SDR v2

Only one Raspberry PI 4 is necessary with an Adalm-Pluto or a HackRF in transmission and an RTL-SDR in reception.

Rpi4 – Pluto
Rpi4 – HackRF – RTL-SDR

Since Remote SDR version 2.5, two HackRF One can be connected to one Raspberry 4B.

F1ATB QO-100 setup. Raspberry 4 and 2 HackRF One

You launch the application on the address:

http://<ip du Rasperry Pi>

You need a modern browser like Chrome or Edge. These do not give access to the microphone if the site does not have secure access in https. On your local network at home, you generally work in http simply. To get around this difficulty, the solution is to set up a derogation at the level of the web browser by accessing the “flags” parameters. you must type in the address bar:

with Chrome: chrome://flags

with Edge(2020): edge://flags

Look for the heading:

Insecure origins treated as secure

Fill in the form as below with the IP address of the Raspberry PI which provides the pages.

Note that the exchanges are done in http on the usual port 80 for the contents of pages. Ports 8001 to 8003 are used to exchange data with the Raspberry Pi of the reception part. Ports 8004 to 8005 are used to exchange data from the transmit part.

Customization of the installation

The image on Github is configured in English language, GB keyboard and GMT time. Access the Raspberry Pi in ssh (user pi, password: remsdr) and type:


In the ‘Location’ section you can enter your preferences.

You can also access the Raspberry Pi in graphics mode using the VNC extension from chrome or a dedicated application.
user : pi
password : remsdr

All sources are in the folder /var/www/html .

Quick SDR Test

You can do a quick test to verify that the connected SDR (s) are visible to the Raspberry Pi 4. In a Terminal window, make a list of Usb(s ) by typing: lsusb
The devices present should appear.

Adalm-Pluto from Analog Devices connected


If you use your Remote SDR application intensely, consider putting a heat sink on the CPU. The processing load is important: around 60%.

Do not display Remote SDR on a monitor connected to the Raspberry and running in the web browser. If feasible, the processing load will be too great and this will result in audio losses and processor overheating.

Also, I recommend a transmitter security system as described here.

Video on Remote SDR V2

Posts about Remote SDR

F1ATB André

Ham Radio - Home automation - Photovoltaic

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17 Responses

  1. Matteo says:

    I have just tried on Raspberry Pi4 and it works nicely. Thanks!

  2. Gennadij says:

    Is it possible to connect to the Pi4 via WiFi?

    • F1ATB André says:

      Yes, you can connect via Wifi. You need a good signal to avoid any cut during a QSO. I did already.

  3. Jim says:

    Will this work with LimeSDR Mini?

  4. Christiaan says:

    Can I interconnect RaspberryPi and PlutoSDR via my LAN or does this image only support PlutoSDR and RaspberryPI interconnected via USB?
    73’s Christiaan PA3FUN

  5. Wolfgang says:

    Hello Andrè
    I installed the Raspberry Pi4 with an external 10″ screen.
    It shows your software in the Web-Browser, but your software is not able to find my “USB” attached Pluto. Normally I’m using this Pluto connected via ths same USB-cable with my Win10 Notebook in order to run the SDR Radio Console from Simon.

    Any idea?

    73 de HB9RYZ

  6. Carlos says:

    Ola, possuo apenas raspiberry pi 3. Sera que funciona? Existe algum outro projeto semelhante que eu consiga utilizar um raspi 3 ?Obrigado.

  7. Zoran says:

    Do you plan to implement CW keyer?

    • F1ATB André says:

      Good question as it is a simple signal processing. The question is, how to enter in a browser a key? I have some ideas, but I am open to suggestions.

  8. Jeff says:

    Do you opinion on what is better performance? Two piZero 2 or 1 RPI4?


    • F1ATB André says:


      As you speak about 2 Orange Pi Zero 2, I suppose you intend to have one “RTL-SDR” and a “HackRF One” or two “HackRF One” as SDRs. It’s nor a Pluto SDR configuration.
      For the user, there is no difference between 2 Opiz2 and a Rpi4. Today it’s only the cost which make difference. Personally, on My QO-100 setup I used daily, I have moved recently from Orange Pi to Raspberry Pi 4 and I see no difference. 73

  9. Jeffrey Fall says:

    This is a very nice and well thought out interface. The installation onto an SD card using the image is very good too. No issues. I put the card into a Raspberry Pi 4B and the image comes up nicely and I was able to log into the remote SDR. I have just bought an sdr_rtl V3 on amazon and was excited to try to listen to HF 80m on 3.900. NO success. I can hear FM broadcast band here in the USA ok and that is about it. I can hear some aircraft a little too.
    I read about having to use direct sampling mode on the rtl_sdr dongle by setting a Q Branch setting to the driver but not sure how to do that using this remote sdr. I was able to ssh in and have been looking around. My sincere complements. This is a very well done system and transceiver. It is very exciting to access it from a laptop or a PC when it is running on a PI4.
    Very well done. I have done a little javascript and HTML programming but not to the level of this fine effort. Jeffrey KB3W/6

    • F1ATB André says:


      Happy to hear that you installed Remote SDR with success. Now, for the RTL-SDR in HF (below 30MHz), I know that there is a possibility to turn-around the limitation. I have not tested yet, I put that on the wishes list of the future evolutions.
